Congrats, you have found out that you are expecting! What an exciting time for you and your family! After you have learned that you are pregnant, your mind may start to race – what is safe to do while you are pregnant? You know you need to avoid alcohol and should limit your sushi intake, but what about your vacation to Kauai? Do you need to change any of your Hawaiian vacation plans?

As you plan your vacation to Kauai, know that there are still plenty of fun activities you can partake in while pregnant on the island. If you are questioning whether you can still enjoy a snorkeling tour while pregnant, don’t worry. In short, snorkeling is totally safe while pregnant!

Consult Your Doctor About You Snorkeling Specifically

While we know that snorkeling is safe and can actually have great health benefits for those who are pregnant, remember that your doctor knows you and your situation best. You should always consult with a doctor before partaking in any new activity while pregnant. 

Can I Snorkel While Pregnant?

In short – yes! You can absolutely snorkel while pregnant. Unlike scuba diving, you are not breathing any gasses or descending below the surface, so it should not put any additional stress on your body. In fact, snorkeling is quite the opposite! It can be a great activity to enjoy during your pregnancy. Here are a few reasons why:

  • It is a great way to stay fit while pregnant, something that is important for both you and your baby’s health!
  • It is a relaxing activity. It is important to stay calm and avoid overexerting yourself while exercising during pregnancy, both of which are easy to do while snorkeling.
  • It helps take pressure off your body. Floating in water can be incredibly relaxing while pregnant because the buoyancy of the water helps take pressure off the muscles working hard to support your new pregnant belly.
  • It is easily accessible. All you need to snorkel is a mask, snorkel, and pair of fins, as well as a beautiful location – luckily the shores off Kauai are full of great snorkel spots!

Tips For Snorkeling While Pregnant

In general, snorkeling while pregnant is considered very safe. It is a fun way to stay fit while also experiencing the beauty of Kauai. Here are a few tips to make the most of your snorkel trip on Kauai while you are pregnant. Think of them as the Do’s and Don’ts of snorkeling

  • Don’t over-exert yourself – While it is important for pregnant people to stay healthy during pregnancy, you should be careful to not overdo it. Just like with any physical activity, stay hydrated, take frequent breaks and know your own limits.
  • Don’t free dive or hold your breath – Both you and your baby need plenty of oxygen during your pregnancy, so refrain from diving below the surface or holding your breath for extended periods of time.
  • Always consult a doctor before engaging in physical activity while pregnant.
  • Take a snorkel tour – If you are unfamiliar with the area, try a Kauai boat tour with an expert. Not only are you guaranteed to get to some of the best snorkel sites on Kauai, but you will also be sure these trips are within your skill level.
  • Protect your skin – Any time you play on the Hawaiian beaches, you should be prepared for the sun as well! Pregnant people can be more sensitive to sun exposure, so wear an extra protective layer or use an eco-friendly sunscreen.

Whether this is your first snorkel trip or you are a seasoned pro, you are sure to enjoy all the beautiful underwater sights off the beaches of Kauai. Contact the team at Kauai Sea Tours to schedule your snorkeling tour to enjoy all the beauty Kauai has to offer.